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𖤓 Town clown/Sex Bees founder 𖤓

Brad-Ref card.png


  • Bold

  • Determined

  • Confident

  • Optimistic

  • Energetic


  • Narcissistic

  • Envious

  • Unfocused

  • Reckless

  • Spiteful


  • Himself

  • "Hot lady babes"

  • Boobs

  • Strip Clubs

  • Sex Romps

  • Attention


  • Criticism

  • Being bored

  • Not getting attention

  • Being called a clown

  • Deimos

  • Brad



  • DOB: 18 July 1964

  • Doesn't drive or have a licence.

  • His grandfather was the prime minister.

  • Once recieved 300 gifts for Christmas



Maxwell Miles Malone Jr goes by the name 'Maxxy' and hails from Swanton, Australia. He is the only son of George and Susan Malone, one of the wealthiest, aristocratic families in the nation. His grandfather, Maxwell Sr was the Prime Minister during the 1950s and 1960s.

Maxx supposedly ran away from home to pursue his "dreams" of being a rockstar and claims to play in a famous glam metal band from Angel City, USA, named 'Sex Beest', which is one of the many tall tales he tells people. He loves to boast about his "achievements", but has never picked up an instrument in his life and would rather lie about this instead of working to actually make his dream a reality. Most wonder if his dream is just getting attention and fame.

Maxx is a narcissist and an attention-seeker. He loves being the center of attention and will do anything to get it, even if it lands him and others in trouble. He lies constantly never keeping his stories consistent. What he might tell you one day, will change the next, and he will deny everything and try to cover up with more lies if caught in one of his lies.

He is a very bitter and jealous person and will throw tantrums like a toddler when things don't go his way, even over the smallest things, such as Someone mistaking him for a clown, criticizing his bad singing, and when girls would rather talk to Brad than him. Maxx can't stand someone else having the spotlight on them, especially Brad. 

Maxx currently resides with his best--and only--friend, Brad, and Brad's skeptical brother, Blake, in Selene Valley. Maxx overestimates his relationships with people, claiming to have several friends, when in actual fact, Brad is the only friend he has. Most people cannot stand him.

Maxx has big dreams of becoming mega-famous and popular but should be careful what he wishes for, because he may just get it. He will do anything to get what he wants, even if it means hurting others. 


Brad and Makayla chibi
Fun in the sun
The Cat Cafe
Cook book
Meowy Catmas 2020
Beach Chills
Catfe Cooking
Fear and loathing - the end of maxxy mal
Brad 2021
Where it all started
chapter 17 - DISCOVERY
Comic page 1
Brad halfbody
Chapter 16 - Dinner Date
Dusk - 2.0 - 2
Night on the clown
Chapter 10 - ART
Dusk - 2.0 - 1
Brad-casual 1
Chapter 15 - Maxxy's case
Sex Bees-pic


'80s Hair - His "Sex Beest Mane" is his pride and joy.

Aesop Amnesia: Never learns his lesson.

Annoying laughter - He laughs like a hyena when he finds something hysterically funny.

Attention whore - Maxx will do anything to get attention, and boy does he get it, but not the type of attention he wanted.

Bad liar - His lies are blatantly untrue and never consistent. It's surprising to hear truth from him, but you will never really know if it is or not.

Believing Their Own Lies - Self-deluded and blind to the way things really are.

Berserk Button - He has a laundry list of these, namely: Referring to him as a clown, bad root, tiny dick, calling his music bad, someone else getting attention, e.t.c.

Blinded by Tantrum - Lets his temper tantrums get the best of him.

Butt-Monkey - The consequence of him being a major jerkass.

Can't Take Criticism - "NAH-AH! I don't need no music lessons! You're just jealous, GOSH!"

Captain Oblivious: Maxx doesn't comprehend how the real world or people work. He thinks the world works like Sex Romps.

Casanova Wannabe - Maxx mimics his favorite sex romp movie "heroes" believing that women are charmed by his over-bearing scent, gaudy presentation, and god-awful pick-up lines. All the ladies totally want him, gosh! They're just playing hard to get, or they're on their monthly, that’s totally why they threw their drink in his face.

Chaotic Stupid - No common sense or logic. He has the tendency to piss off the wrong people too. It's a miracle he's still alive. 

Crazy Jealous Guy - He is extremely jealous of Brad. 

Crying Wolf - Maxx lies so much that one of these days, something bad will happen and he will tell the truth, but no one will believe him.

Deconstructed Character Archetype - The sex romp "hero" in the real world!

Dreadful Musician: His idol thought he was a clown performer satirizing Glam Rock, intentionally singing badly. 

Entitled Bastard - Treats people like crap, but still expects them to serve his interests

Fair Weather Friend - He couldn't attend Brad's bake sales because he was "busy with music"

Fame through Infamy

Fatal Flaw - His big ego! 

Fearless Fool - Not scared of anything, even if it's dangerous.

The Hedonist: Only lives for pleasure, often at the expense of others.

It's all about me - Heaven forbid anyone else gets the spotlight!

Jerkass - He is an obnoxious jerk and sleaze.

Know-Nothing Know-It-All - He likes to brag about things and claims to know more than everyone else, even on subjects he knows absolutely nothing about.

Large Ham - NAH-AH! 

Manchild - Maxx didn't seem to mature past the age of Fourteen. He thinks the world works like sex romp movies, and he will throw a temper tantrum when things don't go his way.

Picky Eater - He only wants to eat chicken nuggets.

The Pig-Pen - His hygiene is seriously lacking. 

Small Name, Big Ego - One of Maxx’s tall tales is claiming to be a famous rockstar from Angel City, USA. He later actually makes a music video that gains popularity, but for all the wrong reasons. He grows a big ego from being “famous” now and thinks that everyone should know who he is. But the only people that do, know him for making the worst music video ever and his obnoxious antics.

Saved by a Terrible Performance - There are moments where he screws up other antagonists' plans, or his bad music has saved the day. I guess he has a redeeming quality after all. 

Spoiled Brat - Despite his claims about being poor, Maxx is in actual fact a spoiled rich kid. He thinks he's entitled to whatever he wants and will whine and throw a tantrum whenever he doesn't get what he wants.

Tabloid Melodrama - Maxx is constantly in the 'Totally Valley' tabloids. He whines about this but also thrives off the attention from them

The nicknamer - Maxx likes to give people his own "rockin'" names for them. Or if they're on his bad side, he gives them nasty childish names. E.g: Brad = "B-Rad", "Fatley"

Narcissist. - In spades.

Never my fault - "NAH-AH! You were crampin' my style, n' scared the hot lady babes away, gosh!!" It doesn't help that his mother enables this too.

The Unapologetic - Maxx is unapologetically Maxx and thinks he can do no wrong. The only time he ever apologized was so Brad wouldn't kick him out.

Ungrateful Bastard - Doesn't show appropriate gratitude.

Wangst: He laments relatively minor things.

Weak-Willed: Easy to convince or brainwash

Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Can't help but destroy the greater things in his life, and in others' lives.


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