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𖤓 Catfe co-owner/Baker 𖤓

Brad-Ref card.png


  • Passionate

  • Altruistic

  • Loyal

  • Empathetic

  • Good-Humoured


  • Too Idealistic

  • Too Empathetic

  • Socially unaware

  • Sociotropic

  • Conflict-Averse


  • Good vibes

  • Lazaros

  • CATS

  • Nature

  • Decorating

  • Baking

  • Tea

  • Cat nip for humans

  • So bad it's funny things

  • Helping people/Animals


  • Bad vibes

  • Conflict

  • Horror Movies

  • Maxx, Jaclyn + Craig

  • Negativity

  • Mean people

  • Bad food

  • People who don't like cats

  • Being underestimated



  • DOB: 20 Feburary 1966

  • Left-handed

  • Billingual in Italian and English

  • Grows their own herbs they cook/smoke/drink

  • Grows vegetables for Lazaros to cook with

  • Grew up in a commune

  • Hates wearing shoes and rarely does.

  • Drives an orange Kingswood HQ station wagon



Branch/Ashley Sabatini is off with the fairies, viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses. They are creative and have a passion for helping cats and people. Branch grew up in Golden Shore, Australia, raised in a commune, along with their older brother, Blake. Branch reflects on those days fondly, however, Blake doesn't share the same sentiment as he was glad they finally got out of what he referred to as a cult. Branch and Blake are like night and day and clash at times, but they care deeply for each other.

One day, their parents went missing and their house mysteriously burnt down. They start a new life in Selene Valley where they feel lonely and out of place. One day they pick up a rockstar hitchhiker named Maxxy Malone and allows him to live with them, much to Blake's dismay. Maxx is not what he seems, but Branch gives him the benefit of the doubt, believing there to be good in everyone. Maxx challenges this idea and Branch's sunny disposition mask breaks.

When Branch unearths the truth about Maxx and Maxx promises to treat them better; Branch tries to forgive him by giving him another chance, but the damage is too far done. Branch is also outgrowing him as they grow closer to Makayla Medeiros and Lazaros Katsaros, and also as he becomes focused on his own endeavors--rescuing stray cats and striving towards a Cat Café. Maxx is a detriment to Branch and his relationships, and almost costs him them, sparking Branch to finally snap and release years of repressed rage at Maxx on TV, ending their friendship. This was not the end for Maxx, however, as he would go on to harass and mock Branch through his terrible music. Branch develops a polyamorous relationship with Lazaros and Makayla who both love and challenge them in different ways. Makayla is forthright and assertive, which Branch needs to learn, and Lazaros is a professional chef and businessman that can teach him a lot, too. They, along with his experience with Maxx lead him to grow and question all they thought they knew before and who he thought he was. Like the moon's reflection on the ocean, he had lived a life of illusion and now he was breaking out of that tower on a soul-searching journey. Like the sun, he sought to shed light on the darkness swept under the rug by the Sunshire Family.


Brad and Makayla chibi
Fun in the sun
The Cat Cafe
Cook book
Meowy Catmas 2020
Beach Chills
Catfe Cooking
Fear and loathing - the end of maxxy mal
Brad 2021
Where it all started
chapter 17 - DISCOVERY
Comic page 1
Brad halfbody
Chapter 16 - Dinner Date
Dusk - 2.0 - 2
Night on the clown
Chapter 10 - ART
Dusk - 2.0 - 1
Brad-casual 1
Chapter 15 - Maxxy's case
Sex Bees-pic


Actual Pacifist - They are against violence and wouldn't hurt a fly. They would try to diffuse the situation by offering them tea or tickling them as his weapon of self-defense.

Adorkable - They are socially awkward in an endearing way.

All-Loving hero - They try to be and likes to think they are, but they too are capable of hating people, as they despise Maxx and Jaclyn.

Character Tics - When nervous or confused, they scratch the back of their head. They also laughs a lot in their speech and make silly puns. They also hate wearing shoes and rarely wears them.

Chubby Chef

Commune - They grew up in a commune with their family, called 'The Sun Shire community'

Chaotic Good - They want to rescue stray cats and they end up with 30 cats in their house and running a cat cafe out of their garage. They also picked up Maxx as a hitchhiker, much to Blake's protest.

Cuddle Bug Branch is very affectionate and likes to hug people.

Cynic-Idealist duo - Branch gets frustrated with Blake's cynicism and Blake gets frustrated with Branch's idealism.

Fatal Flaw - Branch’s fatal flaw is that they are a Wide-Eyed Idealist.

Foil - To Blake. See Sibling Yin-Yang. To Maxx: Unlike Branch, Maxx is very selfish and challenges his ideas of people.

Foolish Sibling, Responsible sibling - The foolish to Blake's responsible.

Good cannot comprehend evil - They believe that everyone has good in them and can be redeemed. Maxx challenges that idea.

Hippie Parents - Branch and Blake were raised by hippie parents in a commune. They also lived on a bus and traveled around for some time.

Innocently Insensitive - It's an act they put on, they're being a spiteful sneak. They do this to people who hurt them. Usually, they will frame it as an "innocent" question about something they know is a sore spot for them.

Kind-hearted cat lover

Literal-Minded -  Branch processes things literally. Figurative language and metaphors tend to fly over their head.

Mellow Fellow: - They ara a total mellow marshmallow.

Sibling yin-yang - Blake and Branch are opposites and foils to each other. Blake is a stoic realist and a loner. Branch is a cheerful idealist and sociable. Blake is hellbent on leather and dark clothing whereas Branch wears colorful hippie clothes and accessories.

Tender Tears - Their emotions run high, even when they're happy.

The Farmer and the Viper - Their dynamic with Maxx.

The Pollyanna - They try to remain positive and optimistic, no matter what.

The Stoner - Low-key. They refer to it as catnip for humans and keep it in a jar labeled "Meowijuana." They smoke more often when they are stressed and did so when they were getting frustrated with Maxx.


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