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★ One man black metal band ★

Brad-Ref card.png


  • Focused

  • Passionate

  • Determined

  • Confident

  • Bold


  • Arrogant

  • Pessimistic

  • Pretentious

  • Delusional

  • Insensitive


  • Black Metal

  • Horror Movies

  • Norseferatu

  • Himself

  • Wolves

  • Forests

  • Getting drunk


  • Deimos, Veronika, Trevor, Craig, and Maxx

  • "Posers"

  • Smiling

  • Hippies


  • Christians

  • When Veronika "checkmates" him.



  • DOB: 18 July

  • Drives daddy's Lamborghini... until it's confiscated.

  • His father, Randall Wood is a festival and event organiser

  • Shares the same birthday as his rival, Maxxy Malone.

  • Compulsive about his multivitamins.

  • Hates being addressed by his real name 'Larry Wood'



Larry Wood, better known as 'Lord Kradula Ov Khaos' is a self-proclaimed "Lone Wolf" and "Trve Kvlt" One-man-black metal musician. Larry and his detested sister, Veronika, were born in Palm Tree State, USA, and moved to Selene Valley, Possum State, Australia when he was 13 years old. Their father, Randall Wood is one of the richest music producers and event organizers in the country. Larry currently resides in the mansion with his family and best friend, Bobby "Killer" O'Sullivan who lives in their basement and mooches off them. 

Larry first met Ivy when she was 17 years old and he was 22 years old. Larry has always been self-centered and controlling of Ivy. He never encourages her goals with her art and dismisses her in favor of Bobby or others. Makayla takes a shine to Ivy's artwork and she makes some job offers. Upon learning that Makayla plays in a band with his dreaded sister, Veronika, Larry turns down the offer on behalf of Ivy. The more Ivy pursued her own wants and spent time with her friends, the more she changed and grew apart from him. In an attempt to salvage the relationship and keep Ivy, Larry "proposes" to Ivy amidst the chaos of his horror movie party. But this would only give Ivy the wake-up call she needed that she was miserable and had to end it with him, and she did.


But, alas, that wasn't the end for Larry. He appeared at her house in the middle of the night with chocolates and old roses, like something out of a bad romantic comedy. When she rejected his advances, Larry spiraled into a chaotic metamorphizes, becoming a notorious dark clown dubbed 'Lord Kradula Ov Khaos' smearing his face with corpse paint and wearing red inverted cross contact lenses.

He later makes waves when he appears on the front cover of the 'Totally Valley' tabloids, dubbed as "The Sex Beest of Black metal". The public had grown tired of Maxx's broken record tantrums. Now they were amused and fascinated by the dark clown dancing around a burning dollhouse, singing horribly, with a cardboard full moon behind him as his raincoat catches on fire. He was an instant hit on Metal Meltdown Countdown and nobody wanted to hear about Maxx anymore.Lord Kradula and Maxx are constantly trying to one-up each other in who can be more outrageous than the other. Maxx dyes his hair clown red to try to stand out, Lord Kradula tops that by urinating on a church, and so on. It seems they have both met their match. One of these days, one of them will take it too far.


Brad and Makayla chibi
Fun in the sun
The Cat Cafe
Cook book
Meowy Catmas 2020
Beach Chills
Catfe Cooking
Fear and loathing - the end of maxxy mal
Brad 2021
Where it all started
chapter 17 - DISCOVERY
Comic page 1
Brad halfbody
Chapter 16 - Dinner Date
Dusk - 2.0 - 2
Night on the clown
Chapter 10 - ART
Dusk - 2.0 - 1
Brad-casual 1
Chapter 15 - Maxxy's case
Sex Bees-pic


Black Metal - Larry/Lord Kradula's entire life and identity.

Do Not Call Me "Larry" - When he becomes 'Lord Kradula' he hates being addressed by his birth name, Larry.

Crazy Jealous Guy - He is extremely jealous of Deimos and threatened by him. 

Diary  - He has a diary he refers to as his "Grimoire" in which he notes down his "dark and brooding lyrics" 

Escapism - Lord Kradula seems to be living in his own fantasy world.

Eccentric Artist  

Fan boy  - He is a Black Metal fanboy. He emulates his favorite bands and spends his whole paycheck on memorabilia.

Indecipherable Lyrics: As is the norm for black metal.

Insistent Terminology - He insists on his music being dubbed "Trve Kvlt grim black metal Ov Khaos"

Stage Names: Lord Kradula Ov Khaos

No Such Thing as Bad Publicity: He wanted to be the most infamous black metal band out there, but bit off more than he can chew. Can also count as 

Be Careful What You Wish For.

Know-Nothing Know-It-All - Larry thinks of himself as an intellectual, however, he greatly over-estimates himself and underestimates everyone else.

Love at first sight - He is immediately enamored by Ivy solely because she is a woman in the metal scene.


Never My FaultA fundamental flaw of Larry's. When people turn on him, it's not because he treated them badly or betrayed them, they were jealous of him or don't understand a "complex intellectual" like him. When his radio show fails, he blames it on Ivy. When Ivy tires of his abuse and breaks up with him in a brutal manner, he blames Deimos for "stealing" her from him and turning her against him.

Soul-Sucking Retail Job - He works at a fruit market which he constantly rants about in his lyrics.

Spoiled Brat - Larry's father, Randall, spoils him by letting him drive his sports cars and giving him his own radio show because he asked for it. This is why he is so entitled.

Stalker with a crush  -  Lord Kradula will sometimes appear at Ivy's house, begging her to marry him. 

Tabloid Melodrama - Lord Kradula appears in the tabloids, stealing Maxx's spotlight which causes a rivalry between them, fighting for the spotlight in them.

Ungrateful Bastard - Doesn't show appropriate gratitude. He's 'entitled' to it.

Unrequited Love Lasts Forever - His thing for Ivy after she broke up with him.


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