Chapter 23
Voyage to Swanton
The days were warmer and longer as Summer rolled around. Christmas decorations were starting to appear as December began. Blake and Andreas were alerted to a knock at the door. They were shocked to see Makayla on the doorstep, looking like a week of wet weather.
Blake: “What the fuck do YOU want?”
He glared at her.
Andreas: “What are you doing here, Makayla?”
He sighed, already knowing what it was about.
Makayla: “I NEED to talk to Ashley!”
She cried, looking around for him.
Blake: “Good luck with that; he’s catching his flight now.”
He pursed his lips, folding his arms across his chest. Makayla’s eyes widened.
Makayla: “What?! Where is he going?!”
She gasped.
Blake: “Away from you.”
He deadpanned, remaining tight-lipped.
Makayla: “Look, I know I fucked things up and I’m sorry! I want to make things right!”
She cried and pleaded. Andreas drew a breath.
Blake: “Too little, too late.”
He huffed. Makayla pursed her lips.
Makaya: “We’ll see about that! I’m heading to the airport!”
She said with a determined glint in her eyes. Blake gaped at her and laughed, shaking his head.
Andreas locked his gaze on her.
Andreas: “Are you sure about that? You swore you would never return to where he’s going...”
He folded his arms across his chest, giving her a knowing look. Makayla’s heart sank.
Makayla: “...HE’S GOING TO SWANTON?!”
She gasped with a horrified look on her face. Blake quirked an eyebrow at her extreme reaction.
Blake: “Huh. At least he’s going somewhere you can’t get him.”
He scoffed. Makayla pursed her lips and backed away from them.
Makayla: “I have to go!”
She said hastily, rushing to her car, and drove away.
Blake rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Blake: “Foolish girl.”
He huffed, slamming the door shut. Andreas turned to him, putting his hand on his shoulder.
Andreas: “Are you ok?”
He pressed him. Blake flopped down onto the couch and buried his head in his hands. He shook his head in response. Andreas sat down beside him, putting his arm around him.
Andreas: “I know this is hard for you, but you did the right thing letting him go.”
He assured him.
Blake: “I can’t believe you talked me into allowing this. I will NEVER forgive myself if something happens to him.”
He pursed his lips, embracing himself
Andreas: “Ashley is a grown adult, Blake. It’s not your place to permit him. He needs this. He needs to spread his wings and stand on his own two feet.”
He chided him gently. Blake sighed.
Andreas: “I think he’s more capable than you realise.”
He added, thinking of Halloween night. Something else was eating at Blake.
Blake: “What if he doesn’t come back...”
He said in a small voice, thinking back to that fateful day in 1980 when their parents left and never came back. Andreas wrapped his arms around him, comforting him.
Andreas: “He will be back. I promise.”
He assured him, stroking his hair.
Andreas: “But he won’t be the same…”
His voice trailed off as he glanced at his tarot spread on the table. ‘The World’, ‘Three of Swords’, and ‘Death’ were on the table.
Makayla sped into the airport, scrambling out of her car and ditching it in the waiting bay. She then made a mad dash through the airport, running around the terminal, looking for Ashley. She ran through the corridor until she spotted Ashley in his iconic faux fur trim coat, boarding a flight from down the end of the corridor.
Makayla: “ASHLEY!”
She called out as she ran down the corridor. She was then halted at the gate.
Airport worker: “Sorry, the gate is closed. This is a private flight.”
He said sternly.
Makayla: “Private?! Please! You have to! It’s important!”
She cried and pleaded with them.
Airport security: “Life ain’t like a movie cliché, little missy. I can’t let you on this flight.”
He taunted her.
Airport security: “Buy a ticket like everyone else!”
He added. Makayla pursed her lips and swallowed hard. She sauntered over to the window and gazed outside.
Makayla sighed, watching Ashley walk onto the tarmac carrying Keke in her carrier to the small private jet plane.
Ashley: “Wow… I feel like a rockstar.”
He beamed giddily, tugging on his coat. Makayla smiled at him.
Makayla: “Aww, he’s so cute.”
She wondered if he was thinking of her with that rockstar statement.
Maxx emerged from the tunnel onto the tarmac.
Maxx: “Owwwh, dats right, A-rad, livin’ da rockstar life!”
He hollered at Ashley. Makayla twisted her mouth.
Makayla: “So that’s why he’s going to Swanton… that clown took him hostage!”
She huffed. Makayla’s eyes widened when she saw someone else emerging from the tunnel onto the tarmac.
Makayla: “What the fuck is SHE doing there?!”
She gasped at Yvette, joining them.
Yvette: “Set sail for the Nakamura sky voyage!”
She skipped merrily with them onto the plane. Makayla’s heart sank.
Makayla: “NO! I have to warn him about her!”
She cried, pressing her hands against the glass.
Makayla: “Ashley!”
She cried.
Ashley sat on a white plush seat beside Yvette and in front of Maxx. They had to remain seated there for take-off. Inside the jet were lounge chairs to sit or sleep on and a TV with a NES. Near the cockpit were chairs with a table for dining as well as a pantry loaded with food and drinks. Ashley was never accustomed to such luxury before in his life.
Ashley: “Wow… we get a whole plane to ourselves?!”
Yvette nodded in confirmation.
Yvette: “Yes! My treat! Thanks for letting me come on your trip!”
She winked at Ashley.
Maxx: “Of course, baby, you came for Maxxy!”
He wiggled his eyebrows.
Ashley: “Wow, they must pay A LOT at Voyage Burger.”
He chuckled.
Yvette: “Hehe, you’re so silly! This is my family’s Viking ship in the sky!”
She explained.
Maxx: “Pfft, mine’s bigger!”
He pouted.
Ashley: “Why do you work at Voyage Burger if your parents are rich?”
He tilted his head at Yvette with curiosity.
Yvette: “Because I wanted to sail on my own adventure!”
She explained.
Yvette: “And I didn’t want to end up like that.”
She rolled her eyes at Maxx, who kicked her seat from behind.
A young stewardess approached them.
Stewardess: “Greetings! Can I get you three anything to eat or drink?”
She asked cheerfully.
Ashley: “Do you have any kitty food?”
He asked, petting Keke on his lap.
Stewardess: “Absolutely! Miss Nakamura told us you were bringing your feline companion!”
She clasped her hands and went to the pantry to retrieve some cat food. Ashley beamed.
They heard the pilot speak through the intercom.
Pilot: “Please put on your seatbelts during take-off and remain seated until we instruct you to remove your seatbelts. Thank you.”
Ashley felt Yvette’s hand on his as the plane started to taxi down the runway.
Yvette: “Don’t be scared! It’s gonna be FUN!”
She assured him. Ashley smiled a bit, holding Keke close. The speed picked up as the plane ran down the runway and lifted off the ground, taking off into the sky. Yvette rose her arms as if she were on a rollercoaster.
Yvette: “Bon Voyage!”
She giggled, waving at Selene Valley below. Ashley gripped onto her hand and Keke on his lap, gazing out the window as Selene Valley grew smaller.
Makayla watched as the plane took off into the sky. She heaved a defeated sigh as her hair flowed through the warm summer breeze. She got into her car and drove away.
Ashley was seated between Maxx and Yvette in a limousine. He kept his eyes glued to the window as they drove through Swanton’s most expensive neighborhood, Bayside Gardens.’ Each mansion they passed was equally as impressive as the one before it. The beach was in full view, and it was a popular tourist destination in the summer for people worldwide. The iconic landmark of Swanton Bay Harbour Bridge was in clear view.
Chauffeur: “Welcome back to Swanton, Master Maxwell.”
He spoke with a posh, cultivated accent.
Maxx: “Nah-ah! It’s MAXXY!”
He pouted.
Ashley: “Hello! I’m Ashley!”
He smiled and waved at the chauffeur.
They ascended the cliffside until they reached the top of the cliff, where they were greeted by a large property surrounded by a large marble fence. The chauffeur reached out and entered the code to open the gate. The large iron gates slowly opened, and the limousine cruised down the long driveway, looking out to a blooming rose garden and perfectly sculpted lawns. At the peak of the property sat a large Colonial Australian mansion. The Australian flag was hoisted at full mast, blowing in the wind and looking down on the beach from above.
Yvette: “Ooh, it’s a clown castle!”
She gasped and beamed, fascinated by the turret at the centre of the mansion. It stood tall at three storeys of sandstone walls with great arches across the veranda. Terracotta chimneys were perched on top of the roof.
Maxx: “What?! How is it a clown castle?!”
He pouted.
Yvette: “You are a clown, and you lived in a castle!”
She explained.
Maxx: “I’m NOT a clown!”
He pouted. Ashley chuckled and smiled.
The limousine pulled up to the front of the house. George and Susan came out to greet them.
George: “Welcome to our home.”
He greeted them all. Susan dried her eyes with her handkerchief.
Susan: “Oh, my sweet Maxwell has come back!”
She cooed, smothering him with pink lipstick kisses all over his cheeks.
Maxx: “OWWH! NOOOO! Mommyyyyy!”
He whined. Yvette giggled with amusement, snapping a photo with her polaroid camera. Susan turned to Yvette and smiled.
Susan: “OH, and you brought your girlfriend! How lovely!”
She chirped. Yvette’s face crumpled with disgust.
Yvette: “EWW! I’m not his girlfriend! I like Ashley!”
She smiled matter-of-factly, grabbing Ashley, pulling him close to her, and snapping a photo of him. Ashley blushed and chuckled awkwardly. Maxx pouted, folding his arms across his chest.
Ashley: “Hahaha… hello…”
He waved awkwardly. Susan turned to Ashley with a tight smile.
Susan: “Hello, Ashley!”
She chirped in a saccharine tone. Ashley’s eyebrows rose, pleasantly surprised by her friendly demeanor this time.
Ashley: “Hello, Susan.”
He replied with a strained smile.
George cleared his throat, breaking the awkward tension.
George: “Come in. Owen will take your bags.”
He held out his hand, gesturing for them to step inside. A tall and slender middle-aged man in a black tuxedo bowed at them. He had his salt-and-pepper hair swooped to the side and had a moustache with round glasses hanging off his bulbous nose. Ashley greeted him with a smile and wave.
Ashley: “Hello, Owen! Oh, no, you don’t have to do that on your own! Let me help!”
He offered. George held his hand up.
George: “Owen is our Butler. He is paid for his services.”
He assured him. Owen smiled at Ashley and nodded. Maxx laughed.
Maxx: “Ohh, A-Rad! You’re so funny!”
They entered the house into a grand hallway with ruby Persian runners over the herringbone floorboards, leading to the grand staircase. Ashley held Keke in his arms and slipped off his sandals at the door. Yvette followed suit, taking off her flats. Ashley looked around with awe at the chandelier hanging above them. The walls towered over them with gold and red striped wallpaper, light gold paneling, and elegant chandelier sconces on the walls.
To Ashley, this was a palace, and he had never been accustomed to such luxury in his life before. He felt like royalty. This was exactly what he needed, and he already felt his cares melting away from the stress he endured back in Selene Valley from… her. It was crazy to think months ago that Maxx was the root of his stress, and now he was the solution. He was impressed by his transformation. His mother was right–everyone deserves to be helped and can be changed. What a fool he was to abandon that hope.
They entered through the great archway into the great dining hall. A long mahogany table filled the centre of the room, with gold candleholders on each end. Long ruby curtains draped around the large Palladian windows, looking out onto the ‘Swanton Bay Harbour Bridge’. George pulled out a seat at the end of the table and gestured for them all to sit down with him.
George: “Please take a seat. Marianne is preparing a lovely roast dinner for us all!”
Ashley brightened with excitement for the food. Susan and Maxx sat down beside him on each side.
Maxx: “Over here, A-Rad!”
He grinned, patting the seat next to him. Ashley sat down beside him, and Yvette sat across from Ashley.
George: “Nice to meet you, Nariko. Nobuyuki and Ami told me all about you.”
He asked. Yvette froze.
Yvette: “Y-you know my parents? It’s Yvette now!”
George nodded.
George: “I’m sorry things didn’t work out between you and… Jiro.”
He said earnestly. His tone soured when he said that name. Ashley flicked his gaze over to Yvette, who looked frozen.
Yvette: “... It's ok.”
George cleared his throat, noting her discomfort around the subject. Susan harrumphed.
Susan: “Hmph, Mayumi’s wretched son is as wretched as her!”
She huffed, taking a sip of her Chardonnay. George drew a breath.
George: “Susan. Please.”
He held his hand up.
Susan: “She cut me off in traffic the other day, George!”
She scoffed, pouring herself more wine.
George: “Susan, we have guests.”
Susan turned to Ashley and Yvette.
Susan: “Of course, where are my manners! Mayumi is a two-faced bitch! Would you like some wine?!”
She smiled at them, addressing them in a sing-song tone. George rubbed his temples.
Yvette: “Yes please!”
She smiled, holding up her wine glass.
Ashley: “Uhh, I’ll just have an apple juice, please!”
A plump, middle-aged woman wearing a modest maid uniform entered from the kitchen through the archway with food trays. Ashley’s eyes sparkled at the roast duck with plum sauce, roasted potatoes, beetroot, red onion, and carrot covered with rosemary and sea salt.
Maxx: “Nah-ah! I want chickie nuggiez!”
He whined. Ashley watched as Marianne flashed him a smile and placed a bowl of chicken nuggets in front of him.
Maxx: “Owwwh! Dats what I’m talkin’ about!”
He grinned widely. She then served each of their plates, placing them in front of them. As soon as George started eating, Susan followed suit, and then Yvette and Ashley.
Ashley munched on his roast duck, flicking his gaze to Yvette and Maxx, finding it curious how their families were connected. Everything in the universe really is connected, he thought back to what his father would always say. He noted Yvette’s sad face and wondered what the story was with Jiro.
After dinner, George led them up the grand staircase. They followed him down a long hallway, stopping at a large bedroom. Maxx grinned widely, barging in, and they were greeted by a familiar and unpleasant smell Ashley knew all too well.
The combination of overpowering cheap cologne and body odour seeped off the neon pink leopard print walls. Photos of Maxx in various obnoxious poses hung up on the walls. The floor was covered in clothing ranging from every colour of the rainbow and every gaudy animal print pattern known to man. On the floor was a mattress with pink satin sheets. It looked exactly like his bedroom back in Selene Valley, except larger. You could fit their entire home in Selene Valley into this room.
Ashley was perplexed by his choice to sleep on a mattress bed despite clearly being able to afford a bed. He flicked his gaze over to the piles of raunchy videotapes and magazines and could see where those expenses went to instead.
Maxx: “OWWWW! Welcome to my rockin’ pad!”
He grinned, flopping down onto his mattress bed.
Yvette: “Oh no, I don’t want to sleep in there!”
She shuddered at the room. George held his hand up.
George: “No, rest assured, you will be in your own guest rooms.”
He declared. Yvette smiled widely and heaved a relieved sigh.
George led them to the guest bedroom next to Maxx’s room and smiled at Ashley.
George: “This room is for you, Ashley.”
He opened the door for Ashley to step in. It had pastel blue walls with photos of hamburgers all over the walls. The queen-sized bed had a hamburger-patterned bedspread and a hamburger lamp on the bedside table. Ashley tilted his head with a baffled laugh.
Ashley: “Uhh, what’s with all the hamburgers?”
He laughed, scratching his head.
George: “Maxwell told us you love hamburgers.”
He smiled. Ashley blinked and laughed awkwardly.
Yvette: “Aww, no fair, your room is SO cool!”
She pouted enviously.
George turned to her and smiled.
George: “Your room is the next one over here.”
Ashley watched as he led her to the room across from his. He then heard Yvette screaming.
Ashley: “Yvette?!”
He rushed over to see what the commotion was all about. The room was decorated with pirate memorabilia. A pirate bedspread, a bird plush with an eyepatch, and pirate posters on the walls.
Yvette: “Nooooo! Not pirates!”
She cried.
George: “Oh, Maxwell told us you loved pirates.”
He explained.
Yvette: “Vikings aren’t pirates! Pirates are Viking ENEMIES!”
She cried onto Ashley’s chest. Ashley laughed awkwardly. George cleared his throat awkwardly.
George: “Oh, my apologies.”
Ashley: “Thank you for going through this trouble for us!”
He smiled and nodded.
George: “No trouble at all. Enjoy your stay.”
He flashed them a smile and left.
Ashley turned to Yvette, closing the door behind them in her pirate room. He had a burning question on his mind.
Ashley: “Uhh, so, what’s the story with Jiro, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He pressed her gently. Yvette froze.
Yvette: “...Jiro.”
She sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.
Yvette: “We were engaged to be wed back in Japan...”
She confessed. Ashley’s eyes widened.
Ashley: “...You were going to be married?!”
Yvette nodded in confirmation.
Yvette: “Mhmm, but then…”
She pursed her lips and paused as she teared up. Ashley knit his eyebrows and sat down on the bed beside her.
Ashley: “What happened?”
He asked gently, patting her back.
She broke down into tears. Ashley cupped his mouth and pulled her into a hug.
Ashley: “I’m so sorry…”
He pursed his lips, empathizing with her.
Ashley: “My parents disappeared, too...”
He sighed. Yvette wrapped her arms around Ashley.
Yvette: “Oh no! That’s horrible! I’m sorry, Ashley!”
She cried. Ashley pursed his lips, not wanting to dive into the subject of his parents.
Ashley: “What was Jiro like?”
He asked, shifting the subject back to her. Yvette sighed and rummaged through her bag, pulling out a photo album journal.
Yvette: “Jiro was so sweet! We’d watch Varg the Viking together, and we’d have the best tea parties together!”
She explained, and presented him with a photo of her with her natural black hair in a Viking costume, standing with a Japanese man with his features obscured by a horned Viking helmet and beard resembling Varg The Viking.
Ashley: “That’s sweet… I hope you’re reunited with him again soon."
He smiled and said earnestly. Yvette smiled tightly at him. Yvette closed her photo journal shut, shoving it back into her bag.
Yvette: “Well… I met you now, Ashley!”
She fluttered her eyelashes, poking his button nose. Ashley’s eyes widened.
Ashley: “Me, haha?”
He blushed. Yvette nodded her head vigorously.
Yvette: “Yes! Maybe I will marry you someday!”
She teased in jest. Ashley chuckled and reddened, not knowing how to feel or what to say. He hadn’t thought of marriage before. He didn’t know whether he’d wear the suit or the dress, let alone end up marrying her.
That night, Ashley tossed and turned uncomfortably in his bed away from home. He had that same recurring dream again, reliving the house fire in Koala state. The flames surrounded him and tickled against his feet.
Ashley: “HahaHAHAAH, W-what the heck?! Hahahahah!”
He laughed in his sleep, feeling his dread melt away. The flames transitioned into feathers, dancing around his feet.
He shrieked and flopped around, feeling elated with joy.
His laughing and flopping grew more intense, jolting him awake and out of his sleep. He snapped his eyes awake to see a figure standing over him with a sword in their hand.
Ashley: “ARGH!”
He screamed and jolted. A dainty hand smothered his mouth. Ashley caught a glimpse of her features under the moonlight and saw the sword was a large feather shaped into a sword.
Ashley: “Y-Yvette?!”
He gasped. Yvette giggled maniacally.
Ashley: “W-what are you doing?!”
He pressed her.
Yvette: “Having some fun with you!”
She poked her tongue out at him.
Ashley: “Is that a feather sword?!”
He laughed. Yvette nodded her head vigorously.
Yvette: “Yep! I brought my trusty Viqueen sword especially for… you.”
She stated, running her fingertips down the large feather. Ashley swallowed hard and scrunched his feet.
Ashley: “F-For me?!”
He laughed. Yvette nodded.
Yvette: “Yes… for love! I wanted to confess my love for you!”
She blushed and smiled at him. Ashley’s eyes widened, and his cheeks turned red.
Ashley: “Aww, wow… really? I-I like you, too!”
He smiled widely at her. Yvette climbed into bed with him and cuddled up to him.
Ashley: “W-what are you doing?”
He reddened and swallowed hard
Yvette: “I want to sleep with you.”
She smiled at him. Ashley’s eyes widened.
Ashley: “O-oh, I-I’m a virgin! I’m not ready for that!”
He exclaimed, waving his arms around. Yvette giggled and shook her head.
Yvette: “No, no, silly! I mean to go to sleep in the bed with you!”
She smiled.
Yvette: “It’s okay! I’m a virgin, too!”
Ashley smiled a bit.
Ashley: “Ohhhh, okay!”
Yvette: “Good night, Ashley!”
She poked his nose and fell asleep in his arms.
Ashley: “Good night, Yvette!”
He cuddled her back and sighed happily, feeling like things were starting to look up for him.